Our first proper beer in a long while, taken whilst waiting for a mega bus at London Victoria.
Where it all began. Back at Bristol Temple Meads. My only friend, The End.
This our blog. A blog for Matt and Vicki. We do some stuff, and if anyone wants to share in these experiences then they can do so. We have decided to get married. So, on the 8th December 2012, our newest adventure will begin. This blog will have some useful info for those who want to share in our celebration, and then to see where our latest journey will take us. We're pretty excited. Email us at prettygoodtime@hotmail.co.uk
Our first proper beer in a long while, taken whilst waiting for a mega bus at London Victoria.
... and a hearty welcome home. I've no idea what reaching the resting shores of such a fabulous journey would leave anyone feeling - but I thought I'd throw in this Tennyson quotation:
"I am a part of all that I have met; / Yet all experience is an arch wherethro' / Gleams that untravell'd world, whose margin fades / For ever and for ever when I move."
Good stuff from the cliched rhymester - but what you two have done is much more marvellous.
Well done indeed,
PS. Of all the splendid digger pics (thank you, thank you - a much appreciated theme here!), I think Hallam and I found the Kyrgyzstan digger the most authentic somehow. Here's a frightening thought about the flight of time: even Victor is beginning to recognize the wonder of diggers now - and he wasn't even conceived when you left, let alone born!!!
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