Thursday, July 05, 2007

Greetings from China. We hope that the blog is looking OK. Sadly, we are unable to view it here in China as it appears that the absurdity of the Chinese Authorities Firewall prevents access to view the blog even though one can access the blogger website and post accordingly. The BBC website is also blocked. If anyone knows a way around this please email us. Otherwise, we'll look forward to seeing if the pictures we are posting actually appear on the blog when we arrive somewhere else.

Things go very well for us generally. We are presently hacking around Sichuan Provice in western China where the scenery is amzing and the weather is terrible. We'll be heading up to Beijing for the beginning of August and then looping back around to Lhasa, Tibet. From there we hope to travel west to Mt Kailash and, permits allowing, exit Tibet from Ali through the middle of nowhere towards Kashgar. Then it should be a mountain adventure in Kyrgyzstan and onto Kazakhstan. From there we'll either train it up to Moscow or try and grab a boat across the Caspian Sea towards home. Many miles ahead.

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