This our blog. A blog for Matt and Vicki. We do some stuff, and if anyone wants to share in these experiences then they can do so. We have decided to get married. So, on the 8th December 2012, our newest adventure will begin. This blog will have some useful info for those who want to share in our celebration, and then to see where our latest journey will take us. We're pretty excited. Email us at
Monday, June 18, 2007
Hong Kong and Victoria Harbour city scape (and Matt of course)
Matt with Peter who worked on reception at our guest house. The poor chap never left the cramped windowless porch and even slept at night on the adjacent sofa.
Taking in some amusingly censored news enroute by train from Shenzen to Guilin, China
Welcome to China, Vicki on the Vietnam/China border
We hot footed it straight to Hong Kong. This is Matt on the worlds longest escalator (800m)In the debths of Kowloon, Hong Kong. Ahead is the infamous Chunking Mansions, we stayed in a guest house inside this 'deluxe' building. The bright lights of Kowloon, Hong Kong
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Matt getting in touch with his feminine side, lovely butterflies.
The homestay on our first night of trekking in Sapa, North Vietnam
Streets of Hanoi, note the women wearing pyjamas. Some clever marketing as leisure suits we reckon.
Drinking draught beer with some local lads. The one next to Matt was supposed to be working in our hotel. Why work when it costs 20p a glass.
The owners of our guest house, note the pyjamas.In Sapa, north Vietnam. In the distance is Fanzipan mountain, the highest in the country.