Sunday, September 17, 2006

It is remarkable just what a state one can get into when one experiences unemployment and homelessness.

All faffing is now done and tomorrow we depart for Fiji. The total journey will be about 35 hours door to door. Fun. Let's hope that the in flight entertainment is in good working order. We have had a fun if busy couple of weeks sorting things out and seeing various folk. We'll spend about two weeks in Fiji before moving on for some tramping about New Zealand.

And we're off ...

Moving out. Cherio to the nameless road. The Avenue served us very well indeed and it was a little sad to pack it all up and squeeze it into the back of a van. It all fitted, once Vicki's shoe collection had been moderated. It is all now in a heap at Vick's parents house, which is very kind of them.

Pics from our various leaving celebrations. Vicki's parents, super J, Vicki's sister and husband Phil and Vicki and Super J.