This our blog. A blog for Matt and Vicki. We do some stuff, and if anyone wants to share in these experiences then they can do so. We have decided to get married. So, on the 8th December 2012, our newest adventure will begin. This blog will have some useful info for those who want to share in our celebration, and then to see where our latest journey will take us. We're pretty excited. Email us at prettygoodtime@hotmail.co.uk
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

From Ravenshoe we moved back to the coast and spent a couple of days at Mission Beach, which can be seen behind Vicki in the middle shot. We then moved down through Townsville and out to Magnetic Island. We rather liked Townsville, seen in the bottom shot from atop nearby Castle Hill, and then in the top pic from the ferry as we were leaving. Townsville felt like a real place where real people actually live and work, rather than a town existing for tourists alone. Plus it has the most obvious name in Australia.

These pics are from around Ravenshoe on the Atherton Tablelands. It is a place where waterfalls abound and there are som,e fine examples of giant curtain fig trees. Of much fun was a bushwalk aken through the misty mountains. It rained and rained and rained and all the leeches came out to munch on us. Vicki can be seen removing then from her feet amongst the gloriously coloured heather. Interestingly, when we got to the end of the track we discovered the pictured notice. The authorities could have considered putting it at both ends of the track.

Anna, baby Matthew, Alan and Vicks, all enjoying the late afternoon sunshine at the Millstream Falls, near Ravenshoe on the Atherton Tablelands. A couple of hours from Cairns we reached Anna and Alan. They showed enormous kindness by putting us up and entertaining us for several days whilst we saw the local area. We were able to catch up on old times as well as seeing all the fab surrounds. Super thanks to them.

The Millstream Falls.
Monday, December 11, 2006
One Matty Taylor
Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The end of our time in New Zealand was spent with Dorothy and Alan, who conveniently live just west of Auckland. Their enormous hospitality very kindly accommodated us for three days spent exploring the local area. The bottom picture is taken from their house and shows their back garden. Very nice indeed.

The glamour of travel. When we came to leave Ohakune to head up to Taupo we discovered that a round Lake Taupo cycle ride was taking place that weekend. In short, this meant that all of the accommodation was booked up and almost all of the buses were also full. In consequence, we found ourselves waiting around in a small rubbish road town for several hours trying to get out. Eventually, it transpired that the bus stop was actually at the public toilets. For such a dump, this was rather apt. And it was raining. Really hard.

Pics from around central North Island of New Zealand. The huge volcanoes of the Tongariro National Park dominate that whole area. The weather was pretty rubbish whilst we were there but from a base in a small place called Ohakune we set off to trek the brilliantly named Urchin-Umakarikari track, which is a little to the east of Tongariro. The first day of this tramp involved a trog up, across and often in the river pictured. With this helpful signpost. Bridges really required. Having completed that tramp we went canoeing for three days down the Wanganui river. This was marvellous. We avoided capsize, narrowly.